Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Yaya's writing----2

Hi, my name is Cynthia. I am in first grade. My school's name is Muraco Elementary School. My first grade teacher's name is Ms. Reyelt. In first grade we have our own jobs(.) This week my job was" deliver the messages". We also have stations, but not like train stations, like places in our classroom. This Monday was the first night of Chinese New Year and my station was (to) "make a festival lantern"(.) The first step is to draw a picture on the lantern(,) next you punch holes around your picture, then even though your beautiful picture is there(,) you need to cut it into strips. After that is done(,) you put them together, but make sure it's in order. Finally you carefully bend it well(,) you are makeing(making) it into a circle. Alos(Also) remember to tie a piece of string onto your lantern. The very last step is to hang it up and enjoy! I will write more about school later.

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